Supporting low-income families goes beyond simply offering fee subsidies. The EYES Child Care program is committed to providing comprehensive support to ensure that all children have access to high-quality care and education, regardless of their socioeconomic status. Here are some additional ways we will provide supports for low-income families:

  1. Sliding Scale Fees: In addition to fee subsidies, we offer a sliding scale fee structure to support. This ensures that families pay what they can afford, making childcare more accessible to those with limited financial resources.
  2. Programs to Support: We offer community support programs to help settle and get the community support for families facing financial hardship or other challenges.
  3. Extended Hours and Flexible Scheduling: We understand that low-income families may have non-traditional work hours or unpredictable schedules. To accommodate their needs, we offer extended hours and flexible scheduling options, including part-time care, drop-in care, and evening or weekend care.
  4. Access to Community Resources: We provide information and referrals to community resources and support services that can help low-income families meet their basic needs, such as food assistance programs, housing support services, healthcare providers, and parenting workshops.
  5. Educational Workshops and Support Groups: We offer educational workshops and support groups for parents on topics such as budgeting, financial literacy, accessing government benefits, and navigating the childcare system. These resources empower parents to make informed decisions and advocate for their families.

Overall, our goal is to create a supportive and inclusive environment where all families feel valued, respected, and supported. By offering a range of supports beyond fee subsidies, we strive to remove barriers to access and ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive.