EYES Child Care Policy and Practice to Support Program

EYES Child Care Policy and Practices that support all abilities in our program


EYES Child Care Inclusive Practices and Policies for All Abilities


1. Inclusive Admission and Enrollment:

EYES Child Care is committed to providing inclusive services for children of all abilities. Our admission and enrollment process accommodates and welcomes children with diverse needs.

2. Individualized Care Plans:

Individualized Care Plans (ICPs) are developed for children with specific abilities or needs. These plans, created in consultation with parents and relevant specialists, outline personalized strategies to support each child’s unique requirements, ensuring they receive the necessary care, support and attention.

3. Accessibility of Facilities:

EYES Child Care facilities are designed to be accessible to children of all abilities. This includes ramps, wide doorways, and accessible play areas. Our team works to ensure that the physical environment is conducive to the inclusion of every child.

4. Trained and Inclusive Staff:

Our staff undergo regular training on inclusive practices and strategies to support children of diverse abilities. This training covers areas such as communication methods, adaptive teaching techniques, and creating an inclusive atmosphere.

5. Inclusive Curriculum and Activities:

Our curriculum is designed to be inclusive, catering to the diverse learning styles and abilities of all children. Activities are adapted as needed to ensure that each child can actively participate and benefit from the learning experiences provided.

6. Regular Communication with Parents:

EYES Child Care maintains open and transparent communication with parents to understand and address the individual needs of each child. We encourage parents to share information about their child’s abilities, preferences, and any specific requirements.

7. Inclusive Events and Celebrations:

All events and celebrations at EYES Child Care are planned with inclusivity in mind. This includes considering sensory needs, mobility accommodations, and other factors to ensure that every child can actively participate in and enjoy the activities.

8. Transition Support:

For children transitioning into or out of EYES Child Care, we work closely with parents to provide the necessary support. This includes creating transition plans, sharing relevant information, and ensuring a smooth and positive experience for the child.

9. Continuous Improvement:

EYES Child Care is dedicated to continuous improvement in its inclusive practices. Regular assessments and feedback from parents and staff contribute to ongoing enhancements in our programs and services.

These policies and practices underscore EYES Child Care’s commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for children of all abilities.